Wiedewei Dirksland

Toddler group

A safe and trusted place for your child

When you choose childcare, you want your son or daughter to have a safe place with plenty of room to play, develop and meet other children. And that we take into account the personal needs of your child. Do you want to know how we do that at Wiedewei? You can read more about this on this page.


As a parent, it is quite difficult to make a choice for childcare. After all, how do you know that the organization you choose is of good quality? Take a tour of a branch, see how your childcare works together with education or check which requirements your childcare organization meets. This way you can get a good picture of what the organization of your choice stands for. At Wiedewei we are very open about our quality and we are happy to tell you about it.

All day care centers of Wiedewei are regularly inspected and checked by the GGD. Do you want to read more about quality? Wiedewei is the green branch of childcare within childcare organization Kibeo. You will therefore be redirected to kibeo.nl.

Read more at kibeo.nl

Pedagogical policy

How do we look at children and what does that mean for our pedagogical actions? What do we want to offer children and how do we do that? In the pedagogical policy you can see in one document what Wiedewei considers important in the care of your child. As:

how do we put your child at ease in the group with peers
• how is your child stimulated in a playful way in his or her development
• how do we teach your child to make friends
• the rhythm of home is the starting point, how does that work?

View the full pedagogical policy plan*

*Wiedewei is the green branch of childcare within childcare organization Kibeo. You are therefore referred to the pedagogical policy plan of Kibeo.

Parent involvement

Wiedewei has an active parent policy. You can talk and think about the shelter in various ways. Almost every branch has a Location Parent Council (LOR). You can also register as a member at a branch where there is no LOR. With two members or more, a parent council is formed. As a member of the parent council, you discuss and think along about matters related to the reception at the location and you help organize special activities.

Would you like to become a member of the Location Parent Council at your location? Ask the pedagogical staff member for more information.