Today Wiedewei received Madagascar's very first food handbook for children. This celebratory moment took place at Wiedewei Mushroom whey in Barendrecht. A beautiful location with its own vegetable garden, where the children learn about healthy ingredients at a young age. In this way they prepare the youngest generation for a healthy future!
The nutrition manual focuses on the first 1000 days of the young child
The Nutrition Handbook Madagascar focuses on taste and eating development during the first 1000 days of the young child. An essential period in which the foundation is laid for a healthy future. It is important to start this early, so that children learn to make healthy choices at an early age. For example, they learn that an apple is a healthier snack than a sweet cake. Or does it increase the chance that they will opt for water rather than soft drinks, for example, later in life. Research also shows, for example, that children only really enjoy a taste after they have tasted it between 8 and 15 times.
The book contains valuable tips and guidelines for both parents and pedagogical professionals. Topics covered include the first snacks, promoting an adequate vegetable intake and healthy snacks.
At Wiedewei, children receive a hot meal from Madaga at noon
At Wiedewei, the cheese sandwich has been replaced by a hot meal from Madaga. Maika de Haan is a pedagogical policy officer and coach at Wiedewei and explains why they do this: “First of all, it is tasty and healthy. In addition, eating broccoli with your friends is a lot more fun than at home at the big table. When Tim sees that Amara is eating, he won't say "I don't like that". Because seeing food makes you eat.” In this way, the children become acquainted with new ingredients and flavors in a playful way. And they get the vitamins and nutrients they need early in the day. That makes them big and strong. Because from a hot meal at noon, every sprout grows like cabbage!