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Extra reading fun and language development during the National Reading Days!

Published January 26, 2024

The National Reading Days started on Wednesday, January 24 and Wiedewei is participating again this year with great enthusiasm! Your child will have extra fun reading during this period and will learn a lot of new words. The branches immerse themselves in the theme 'apples', at some branches there is a reading breakfast and reading heroes come to visit. Did you know that if your child is read to for 15 minutes a day, he or she will already learn 1,000 new words per year?

Wiedewei Dirksland fully immerses themselves in the theme of 'apples' with the picture book 'Pit'
The selected books all come from the Picture Books Top 10 and have been tailored by our pedagogical policy staff per age category and location. For example, your child will work on the book 'Pit', where everything during the National Reading Days revolves around apples.  

At Wiedewei Dirksland, the National Reading Days started with a cozy and healthy reading breakfast. By touching, smelling and tasting, children discover the apples and the seeds within. Of course, a glass of apple juice should not be missing. They also have a special book corner where your child is regularly read to. The book corner is completely themed; there are apples, seeds and twigs. And there are apples hanging on it that your child has made himself.  

In addition to reading aloud, many more activities are done that fit the theme. For example, your child will make apple sauce and plant seeds in a pot together with friends. Would an apple tree grow from that? 

Larger vocabulary, empathy, high involvement, taking turns and much more
Reading aloud stimulates your child's language development. This way your child will learn a lot of new words that will expand his or her vocabulary and he or she will develop a good sense of language. This includes hearing how a sentence is constructed. But the benefits of reading aloud go much further than that.

The more interesting children find something, the better they learn it. That's how it works with language. During reading, the pedagogical professionals therefore ensure the highest possible involvement with the children. They do this, among other things, by asking questions, using materials that appear in the book and playing with her or his voice for an extra exciting story. While asking questions, your child also learns social skills, such as practicing turn-taking behavior. This is a skill that will also come in handy later, for example when having conversations. And by using materials from the book, your child links the words to the correct materials.

Your child's social-emotional development is also stimulated while reading. Your child learns to empathize with the characters in the book, which increases their empathy. In addition, his or her imagination is stimulated. While reading, your child can imagine the adventures that the main character in the book experiences.

Greater educational opportunities thanks to reading aloud from an early age
Language stimulation increases your child's educational opportunities. Especially in the language-sensitive period, namely from 0 to 6 years. That is the period when children are even better at learning language. The younger your child is when you start reading, the better. If children have a positive experience with books and reading aloud at a young age, they often retain an interest in reading at an older age. This way your child grows from a little reader into a big reader!