Vivian Geelhoed – de Vos, manager Wiedewei, has been officially appointed Patron of the Groen Cement Foundation. Vivian is very proud of this appreciation: ''This is a great appreciation for the green shelter of Wiedewei and at the same time a great opportunity to join the network of Stichting Groen Cement.''
Green Cement Foundation
Stichting Groen Cement has been promoting greening within childcare in the Netherlands for over 10 years. This is done, among other things, by issuing the Green Childcare Quality Mark, organizing the Green Childcare Day and providing training, workshops and symposia that support pedagogical professionals in developing their green pedagogy. The Groen Cement Foundation wants to further develop the quality brand and the training offer in the coming years.
Appointment Patron of the Groen Cement Foundation
The official appointment of Vivian took place on Thursday afternoon, 6 May. This happened in the open air on one of the many beautiful green spots on the outside square of our Wiedewei location in Zierikzee. Janneke van den Bos (chairman) and Janneke Hagenaar (director) from the Groen Cement Foundation were present at the appointment. They were given an extensive tour of the location this afternoon and were given a nice look at how our experienced and trained employees made a fun project together with the children. make a day of it. For example, the children were read to in the outdoor garden this afternoon, they searched for various insects together and they completed a challenging outdoor course.
As Patron of the Green Cement Foundation, Vivian is committed to the foundation. Vivian shares her knowledge about green childcare and contributes ideas from her expertise within the network of Stichting Groen Cement. Vivian is very proud to be part of this.