Even in winter, being outside is a party at Wiedewei! We participate in 'Hartje Winter', a special outdoor play program by IVN Natuureducatie, specifically aimed at childcare. This program encourages children to play outside in winter as well. And being outside? We love that at Wiedewei! That is why the month of January is extra focused on creative and adventurous outdoor activities at all Wiedewei locations.

Why are we participating?
At Wiedewei we believe it is important that children enjoy everything nature has to offer, even in winter. The heart of winter fits perfectly with our vision: letting children discover, learn and grow by spending time in a green environment. Playing outside in nature is good for motor skills, concentration and health, as scientific research shows. Even in the coldest period of the year. Fresh outdoor air and daylight promote the production of Vitamin D, which is good for the muscles and the immune system.
What are we going to do?
At Wiedewei everything revolves around wonder, discovery and learning in nature. During Hartje Winter this is made even more fun with activities. Each location gives this its own creative interpretation. For example:
🎨 Create a nature painting with materials from the garden
💃 Dancing and making music in the rain
🐦 Craft birdhouses from empty milk cartons
🍂 Painting with mud or colored snow
🧊 Ice Breaking: Freeing an Object from a Block of Ice
☃️ Snowball fight with old newspapers (or real snow if we're lucky!)
The Hartje Winter campaign runs from 6 to 31 January 2025. Together we discover how much fun nature can be, even in the coldest months of the year!